Monday, 4 January 2010

Recent Events

Saturday 21st November B&EFOE held a fund raising event hoasted by Sebright Arms in High Barnet, there was live entertainment from local bands HOKUM and Daddy Those Men Scare Me. Mixed music with it's roots in blues, punk and folk. Delicious curry was available too. There was a good turn out and over £130 were raised towards campaigning and future group environmental activities.

Members of Barnet & Enfield Friends of the Earth were outside The Spires Shopping Centre in Barnet on Saturday [6th December] to ask people to sign postcards to their local MPs to 'Fix the Food Chain' a major campaign by FoE to make local authorities and individuals think about where their food comes from, explaining the fact that much of the 'cheap' food in this country is produced using animal feed grown in Brazil, as soy, on land that was once Tropical Rainforest. Rainforest destruction for palm oil plantations was also highlighted. More details can be found on the FoE website.

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